Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Today i spent the longest 4 hours of my life waiting. I booked out of the island resort of Tekong at 8, after delaying for as long as a man can possible delay for. This was followed by taking a stroll in the Tempanis area, again to kill more time, but rather unsuccessfully, having only killed 1 hour...
It was only 10, and i took the train to get to the airport early... for what? i myself cannot explain that too. perhaps the anxiety of meeting a loved one for the first time in 11 months got the better of my thinking brain, so there i was in the airport, 3 hours ahead of the time the flight was supposed to land.
more loitering around, before buying FHM, something i swore i would not do anymore, after having told my friend, Panda, that it was a waste of good hard earned army cash.... coffee, read mag 3 times through..... and only 90 had passed....
out of reading material, i tried to sleep in the arrival hall chairs, an impossilbe task... Changi must have gotten wise about stupid teenagers who come all the way here to study and sleep, and installed the most uncomfortable seats ever to prevent the punks from sleeping there....
5 minutes of trying to sleep in a crappy chair and i head to macs... they have internet there, the modern mans saviour i tell you. but being a singaporean outlet, people used the 4 terminals with reckless abandon, forcing me to wait a full 30 minutes before having a free terminal. good for me, in a way, but not good if you hate waiting for, like i do...

whats this perpetual wait all been for?
for janice my girlfriend of course....
11 months apart have seemed so long, and yet so short. i guess the structered army life help the days, as well as my youth fly by....

life is a perpetual wait if you as me:
from the moment you're growing in the mothers womb-- waiting to get born
from the moment you squeeze through the birth canal-- waiting to die
from the moment education starts-- waiting for tests and exams, to get a piece of paper, just so you can get a dead-end job and end up regretting it for a while
from the moment you hit puberty-- waiting to get laid
from the moment old age hits you-- waiting for disease to conqure your once youthful, powerful self
from the moment you lie on you're death bed-- waiting to become worm food....