Saturday, August 11, 2007

what to do.... fuck, why do i have to be so akaward around them...

drinking is my only solace to a night i made an idiot of myself....

fuck this shit....
the skate tour with the boys was great.... 6 guys in a car, going from spot to spot and just having fun, filiming and getting photos... really good times with good friends, going to bukit batok, lakeside, kovan and amk....

but ssing my friends skate has made me realise how much they have progressed over time....

sam: LTPs resident switch master, from fucking up left ankle to a guy who cant skate anything not switch...

alvin: ATV, skating anything and everything.... when i first knew him he could only do boardslides and noselsides on curbs, now the fucker can match me trick for trick on a mini ramp... good diversity and skates anything in front of him....

jerreld: still has one of the cleanest and most consistent flips among any of us... hes mellowed out a lot, but still a great guy to qoute borat lines with....

jeff: fearless as fuck... hes got his ollies and pop shove its on lock...

sam (bb): always a joy to hang with with his random one-liners and strange sense of humour.... he mellowed out alot too but but his half cab heels are still popped and proper...

me: im just happy to skate with good friends who are willing to put up with my last trick requests, even if i do take one too many tries at stuff...

skate tours like these really revive my hinger for skating, and makes me feel yound again... it reminds me of a simpler time when i didnt work, and skating was my only concern.... being able to get something filmed or photograpped is a great accomplishment for me because these days i hardly get anything done... bringing old tricks to new spots or new trick to old spots, the situation is never the same and it reminds me how fun skating should be...

great fun lets do this again soon guys....

Sunday, August 05, 2007

schools lame... when i came to uni i expected it to be full of mature thinking young adults... instead all i see is a bunch of immature fucks who cant tell the difference between a joke and seriousness.... jesus fucking christ its shit like this that really grinds my fucking gears...

nobody needs this bullshit in their life, and i got better things to do with my life than take this from a bunch of cry baby bitches... if you got a fucking problem with me, say it to my fucking face rather than hide behind a girl whose nice and sweet to talk trash about me.... if you look up the word pathetic in the dictionary, you would see the faces of these ppl....

fuck this pretentious bull shit....