semi hung over, skating later.... provided the guys manage to get off the xbox and in the car....
Sunday, April 27, 2008
big spins are the shit to do....
and the new mariah carey video makes me all happy:
and this nas song gets me hyped:
Friday, April 25, 2008
looks like my list of trick is going to have to hold on for a couple more weeks while my ankle loosen up a bit... at least i learned nollie lipslides today....
Sunday, April 20, 2008
been studying since 6 in the after noon and it is now almost 5 in the morning.... finishing up writing notes for UGC, 6 chapters down and 1 left....
need a smoke, some redbull and plow through the last chapter....
week of hell, here i come... skating will follow soon....
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
you know what, fuck it, im going to skate this friday at sp.... 5 weeks off the board is too long for me.... even if its just rolling around, i need to start skating again...
this is skateboarding....
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
to add to the list
switch boardslides (front more than back, wan made them look so good back in the day) fs noseblunts (provided my left foot gets better)
shalyns bar event 2 in days.... all stocks in and working with my brother... should be good...
Thursday, April 03, 2008
other tricks to work on when i get back skating:
front smiths (koston does them perfectly, got inspired) switch skating (the basics, 180s and shit) nollie nosegrinds front board 270 revert out
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
xrays today showed its no fracture, but there is a severely injured ligament.... ankle in brace tmr and looks like no skating for 6 weeks....