Saturday, May 31, 2008

house party at sams friends place, did the bartending for it.... too much mixer but the money i earned was decent, gave out name cards and made a few contacts... had to drive home after that and i have a lunch to attend tmr....

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

driving to school.... stoked.....

Monday, May 26, 2008

front smith, back smith, back tail.... relearning tricks is always good...

bar event this coming saturday, but im missing the martell event on thursday due to examination on friday.... looking to bring back around 40-50 from the party, and hanging around fun people should make for a good time...

started smoking marlboro ultra light, something i laughed at my brother for a while back... but it helps to quit the habit slowly....

philosophy text, dont fail me now....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

ok i cheated today, bought a pack of L&M reds for work and loved every puff i took....

managed to lose the back of my ear stud (4th ive lost) and my ear stud just now running...

philosophy class is wack, just a bunch of assholes who just want to yell out any opinion they have about the text without any substance.... not to sound sanctimonious, but all the talk of religion, god, love and doing good just seemed so pedantic.... and it was ironic that we were reading about socrates and how knowing that you know nothing makes you wise, because all these fucks were trying to act like they knew something....

or maybe it was the lack of nicotine that got me all edgy....

ok but in my defense, that girl in class with the fake american accent was fucked as hell.... just listening to her talk made me feel like i was being coated in a thick layer of slime, so bad was it that i shuddered everytime she rose her hand to give an "opinion" that was supposedly insightful....

on a lighter note, dreamboat annie by heart is a good listen....

Saturday, May 17, 2008

days quit smoking: dunno. quit already....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

days without smoking: 6

ok i cheated at the beach, smoked a 1/5 of a pack.... but when in rome...

sunburnt, but at least i have work tmr....

Monday, May 12, 2008

days without smoking: 5

finished assembling a cupboard from ikea with mom....

its probably been said a million times, but all hail cardiel.... that dude is seriously inspiring and the next time you feel like giving up skating, look at john cardiel, and make sure you keep skating for people like him....

Sunday, May 11, 2008

days without smoking: 3

went skating today, minimal urge to smoke.....

skated from 10 to 4 in the afternoon....

Friday, May 09, 2008

days without smoking: 2

but with the help of 2 sticks to make it through skating....

Thursday, May 08, 2008

days without smoking: 1

spent the day playing gta so the urge to smoke is not as strong, but skating tmr will be a test....

better suppress my urges with a healthy glass of rum...
grades are coming out soon... looks like i chose a bad time to quit smoking....

damn i need a smoke now....

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

days quit smoking: 0 and counting

went for a run today and decided to quit smoking.... seems to be a yearly event for me....

Sunday, May 04, 2008

todays skating was good.... drove to sp with alvin 1, alvin 2 and sam, took out the rails and boxes.... relearning old tricks like back 50's, back 5-0's, back feebles and nose mannys.... felt good and it was a relaxed chilled out session....

Thursday, May 01, 2008

at least we got to skate new places, while keeping the RPM at max of 2.2....