Thursday, October 30, 2008

really psyched to build/repair the box at SP.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

wanting it is enough, the how will follow..... maybe worrying about the how is whats causing the distress......

i dont have to create suffering just because i want something really badly.....

-the grumpy bear

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

just want to get away from it all......
i just want to skate really hard and not give 2 shits about the world.....

Sunday, October 26, 2008

what a fucking weekend....

filmed 2 shitty lines for the slap video....

uni party at zouk, which i got piss drunk at and i have no memory of most of the night..... did i mention i made a complete ass of myself??

i should really stop drinking....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

long overdue viewing of there will be blood..... its a fucking masterpiece with some damn intense acting courtesy of daniel day lewis.....

Monday, October 13, 2008

my life feels pretty shitty right now.....

weekend updates:
-broke my 2nd board in 6 years, and it was a gift from a friend a few years back too.... at least i learnt back tails on it....
-2902 gallery bar event
-contender fight night


Monday, October 06, 2008

every feel like wanting to focus your life (see my facebook entry for definition of focus).... feeling that right now....

lets see:
ICT next monday that i need to defer
event this sunday with loads of things not done
stuff that i want to film
exam this thursday
paper due this month
project due this month
board with a crack down near the front bolts

thats strange, i dont think i smoke a carton in 4 weeks, more like 6..... FUCK I MISS SMOKING!!!

You have quit smoking for:

4 weeks, 2 days, 3 hours and 26 mins.

You have saved:

124.49 Dollars

by giving up 211 cigarettes.

Friday, October 03, 2008

finally found me a nice pair of shoes.... cost 75 bucks, which is pretty decent and its a colourway of shoes i have never worn in my entire 6 years of skating (usually black, white, black and white).... skated good right out of the box and the vulcanized sole and suede felt good....

skating this sunday at braddell, hopefully i get some footage....

Thursday, October 02, 2008

another day of hunting for shoes to no avail, i might have to resort to buying etnies shoes, or loads of shoe goo....

thank god for iron maidens hallowed be thy name for psyching my up for my exam....

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

where in singapore can i find my fucking half cabs.....

either no size or dont sell them anymore.....