Monday, March 30, 2009

my arms are burning from gym sessions... im having problems typing....

thank you alvin for teaching me valuable workouts like lat pull down, flys and "fuck the woman"....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

listening to coltrane always makes me happy....

really hypnotic voice, i remembered listening to this song on the radio growing up.... the lyrics are sad too..

projects, please end soon.... after thur, ill have 1 more left....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

i love being surprised with guinness stout when im having a shitty day at school....

sunday morning rain is falling.....

Monday, March 09, 2009

Friday, March 06, 2009

the type of customers who really fuck my day up are the thick skinned, shameless mother fuckers, who constantly think im trying to cheat their money:

  1. Chee Bye no 1: He ordered a vodka cranberry and was complaining why his change was taking so long. The cashier was doing something, and when i finally delivered him his change, he said:" I usually leave a $5 tip, but not this time." and "I want my 90 cents". When i pointed out to him the coins were in the flap of the bill folder, he said "you guys are trying to cheat the customer". Fucker; keep your tip and get the fuck out of my face
  2. Chee bye 2: This mofo ordered this drink and used his credit card to pay. Just at that time, the cash register and POS system decided to crash on all of us, so we cant do any transactions. He then went on to complain how he had to wait for 1 and a half hours for his credit card, after i repeatedly told him the system was down. The fucker went to withdraw money, and lo and behold, when he return, his bill was processed. chee bye scolded me, gave me a fucked up stare and acted like I was the cause of his shitty night. go fuck yourself buddy
  3. Chee bye 3: Our POS and cashier are down, and this guy orders a vodka tonic, gin tonic and a coke. the bill adds up to 48, so i took his fifty note and put it in the bill folder. A little while later he complains about his change, and i have to explain simple arimethic to the poor son of a bitch. (18+18+13 for the coke works up to be around 49 after all the GST). Fucker was so pissed a coke was 13 bucks, he was insisting we were ripping him off. After several talks from different managers later, he apologized, but not to me. Seriously, if you come to the bar, be ready to spend money, and for the love of god, be patient about your change. Im a bartender, not a cashier, so if you dont want to wait for your change, fuck off.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

for my 200th post i shall keep it short and sweet:

i hate jason marz

(im not saying this out of spite, i just dont like him)

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Dear Old Dad

a while back i posted a note on facebook, one of those 25 things about me kind of deals... one of the questions was "person you miss", and i put my dad....

well last night my mom was home alone and said she felt his presence... my maid went to pay a visit to his niche at the church and bought a 4D number with his birth year and she won herself $250....

are there accidents in life?