Saturday, March 29, 2008

almost a week in and my ankle is still fucked, guess its not an ordinary sprain.... might be a slight fracture or crack.... xrays on tuesdays will tell....

been keeping busy planning for shalyns bartening event, which has really reignited my love for bartending.... it is my dream to start a bartending-catering business with my brother like we discussed last year....

ive strangely been more psyched on skating than i have been in the past.... having it taken away from me has made me realise how much it means to me, and how i want to keep it a part of my life.... hell i was even thinking about taking up skate photography or filming while recovering just to be able to be part of skateboarding...

tricks to work on when i start skateboarding again:

back tails (as always)
back smiths (thanks to fully flared)
fs 360s (i had of dream of doing them knee high the other night)
lien to tails reverts on minis (the thought came while smoking)
back lips (was trying them then the injury)
kickflips (hey a busted ankle might do good things)

in closing, go watch all 16 episodes of cardiel epicly later'd.... so fucking inspirational.... in a nut shell, john cardiel broken his back in a freak accident and was told by doctors he would never walk again.... through his positive outlook on life, he was able to show up the doctors and is returning to his love, skateboarding....

Saturday, March 22, 2008

ankle is in a cast, have to walk around in crutches.... life is a bitch... quitting skateboarding seems like an option at times like these....

Friday, March 21, 2008

skate tour today was horrible... fuck weather, fuck spots and fuck ankle on the last trick of the day... fucking rolled it ollieing down a stupid set of 5 at toa payoh.... times like these make me feel like quitting....

see how the pain is tmr, may have to go for an xray....

Thursday, March 20, 2008

ok so heres the plan for 20th march skating....

sam come pick me up at my place at 11, we go and get alvin and jeff..

warm up at jerrelds stage

kovan, stairs and see what else

bedok, hopefully we can find a low rail...

then work and dinner and whatever...

bring camera, extra board i you think youll break one....

Sunday, March 02, 2008

you know what grinds my gears?

mika, he should not be allowed in music
not being able to get UFC 82 downloaded