Sunday, April 20, 2008

been studying since 6 in the after noon and it is now almost 5 in the morning.... finishing up writing notes for UGC, 6 chapters down and 1 left....

need a smoke, some redbull and plow through the last chapter....

week of hell, here i come... skating will follow soon....


Anonymous said...

haha did you actually end up skating on friday??
been studying I see.. for 11 hours??? oh god your brain must be metal.. or something. hardcore!
my record-breaking half hour attention span doesn't get me anywhere.
good luck with studies and that =]

Anonymous said...

haha nahh it's all good, I know it's someone who lives in Australia. its this thing that xanga has, you can see which countries your blog is accessed from.. pretty handy lol

Felicia said...

i see your breakfast of champions thing in play! you know you're seriously a study-psycho.