Sunday, June 29, 2008

im having one of those nights where i dont want to sleep.... the night/morning is really serene, the weather is cool, and looking out the window is pretty much as good as it gets....

bunch of things on my mind....

1) the SIM party.... if we can keep doing events of that caliber, we would be set.... money is good, its something my bro and i love doing and its exciting as hell....

2) what a good day of skating it was today.... you really dont know when good days like these come by and when they do, they remind you why you love skating.... i always wonder if its possible to teach and make skateboarding into a curriculum, like the ppl at sp have done.... its days like these that make me say its not possible to do so.... skateboarding is like a bird, you cant put it in a cage with rules and time lines... some of the best parts of it cant be taught, you just have to go and do it... no one can tell you how fun it is to bomb hills or spend hours working on tricks, you just have to do it for yourself.... skateboarding is not for everyone, some people try it and fine its not their thing... thats perfectly fine, but for the people who do stay on and keep at it, build friendships on it, and share the experience with others, there really isant any way to describe how magical it is....

3) the great presents i got for my birthday from my friends at school.... 2 books, 2 jazz cds and a bottle of martell.... doesnt get much better than that....

4) people in a foreign land i would like to meet some day......
100 posts....... funny how i used to hate ppl who kept blogs.... now look at me....

one hell of a drinking session at my place last night with the guys.... sometimes it feels good to drink till you black out.....

meeting with the sim ppl to discuss the party.... looks good and fun, but the costing definitely has me concerned..... hope we get the job....

great day of skating with sam 1 and sam 2 today.... at first we thought it was going to be shitty cos it was drizzling and thought the day was going to be full of flat land.... skating some drain cover at a basket ball court, then the nice curbs..... dinner and intimate conversations about politics, singaporean society and world event....

here is where the night got rad.... playing sames of shove variations, and finally playing strip manual competitions.... imagine 3 sweaty guys skating under the void deck in their socks and boxers.... with new era caps....

here are the photos to prove it:

skating today reminds me why ive stuck with it for 6 years.... sometimes it doesnt matter if your skating some shitty spot and it just rained, whats important is that your with good friends and this love for skating has brought you guys together.... at times we can have the best spots but the vibe can suck, so its really the people that make the session so amazing.... even if you dont do anything amazing that day, so what?? i didnt do anything memorable today but i played a longest manual competition game with my friends that ended up with us being naked.... for me that is enough for a good day of skate.... i dont regularly post up pictures unless it was a meaningful event, and this day of skate was one of them....

good day, except for the hang over....

and to all my friends who got me gifts for my birthday, thanks loads....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

2 exams atarting in 6 hours time, skate after.....

the bar job for SIM job is getting me so amped and stressed.... well its stuff like this that i quit working in a bar for.....

im hungry and want to eat my delicious pasta.... the key is pasta water, with some butter/grease....

i desperately need to drink... my tank is on empty and im having that horrible sensation you get when you havent had a good drink.....

postal service and magic numbers rock....

Now playing: The Magic Numbers - Forever Lost
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, June 22, 2008

my back is fucked up from skating a jump ramp today, the guys at SP decided to lock up the boxes so sam and i had to skate flat land and do some serious chilling at macs.....

so much stuff i want to film stuff at, ill use next week to try and get some in.....

finals on friday..... the impact of kafka's a report to an academy is not hitting me.....
read the bit on bhang lassi.... i wish i had some right now....

Now playing: John Coltrane - Blue Train (Alternate Take)
via FoxyTunes

Friday, June 20, 2008

sit up: 5 pts
broad jump: 4 pts
chin up: 5 pts
shuttle run: 5 pts
2.4 km run: 5 pts

9:06, a personal best for me, previous best was 9:17, so im super stoked.....

alas my camera phone takes shitty photos....

Thursday, June 19, 2008

at the request of gabi's i shall talk about the newspaper article i appeared in.... i took the newspaper and was typing it in my room, when i realized i could just link the article from my blog.... i suck at typing....

ok fuck i just realised you have to subscribe to view their articles...... FUCK!!!

ok here we go again:

The Straits Times, 19th June 2008, Front Page

ANderson junior college student kenneth tham scored 2 a's and a b in his a levels and had his heart set on studying psychology.
he was offered a place at the singapore management university but instead chose a private course- the state university of new york at buffalo programme run by the singapore institiurte of management.
the priveate education route meant a quicker, more direct path to realising his dream of becoming a clinical psychologist.
he explained:"i can get a basic degree and masters in 4 years through the private school route. the smu degree would have taken me 4 years, after which i woul have to spend another 1 to 2 years on a masters course.
studying in australia aor the united states would have been too costly for his widowed mother and older sister to afford. 3 years at SIM would cost close to 60k. the additional one-year masters programme would cost another 30k.
the 22 YO is now in his second year after scoring a perfect GPA of 4 in his first year. he hopes to graduate with honours.

ok thats all the article said about me.... sorry for the horrible spelling and grammar, i hate reading off stuff and typing....

and forget abt the photo, i look like hell in it.... probably because i was drinking the night before, and they forgot to inform me about the timings for the photoshoot.....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

read frank kafka's the metamorphosis.... solid read....

the stranger is amazing too.... pity it is empty and meaningless...

ippt in 3 days time....

When Mr. T was 18-months old he ended World War II. He simply folded his arms, shook his head, and the entire Nazi Armies stopped at once. When Hitler tried to protest Mr T. killed him, took all the country's Gold, and fashioned it into chains for all to see. Sources say that Hitler was the first pitied fool.

sorry i had to put this in....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

turns out my ipod is in sams car.... must have left it there when we went skating on sunday....

my beatles songs are not cataloged properly, and its grinding my gears.....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

i thought it would be nice to change the look of my blog.... except for the template and the picture of the duck at the bottom, its all the same....

i have been hungry for 2 days.... steak dinner on Sat with the family, still hungry.... shitty fish and chips today, still hungry....

driving my uncle's nissan for the week, i miss my mom's renault already....

cant find my fucking ipod....

Thursday, June 12, 2008

watch, no country for old men if yor looking for an intense movie.... so little dialog but the camera work really tells the story....

ippt was supposed to be this saturday, but got cancelled due to so many nsf's dying during training... so ill be taking it next week, which means an additional week of running....

god thats painful....
Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink.
But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love.
If you must steal, steal away from bad company.
If you must cheat, cheat death.
And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.

that movie Hitch was good for something....

Friday, June 06, 2008

decided to take my old emerica ellingtons to skate with today... the sole disintegrated and fell off, so i used massive amounts of duct tape to hold it together but it still didnt skate right....

nollie 5-0's, nose manny shoves, fakie ollie fakie 5-0 and bs 180 nosegrinds.....

filming on sunday, hope it goes well....

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

planning for the bangkok trip is getting me stressed.... so much to consider......