Sunday, June 29, 2008

100 posts....... funny how i used to hate ppl who kept blogs.... now look at me....

one hell of a drinking session at my place last night with the guys.... sometimes it feels good to drink till you black out.....

meeting with the sim ppl to discuss the party.... looks good and fun, but the costing definitely has me concerned..... hope we get the job....

great day of skating with sam 1 and sam 2 today.... at first we thought it was going to be shitty cos it was drizzling and thought the day was going to be full of flat land.... skating some drain cover at a basket ball court, then the nice curbs..... dinner and intimate conversations about politics, singaporean society and world event....

here is where the night got rad.... playing sames of shove variations, and finally playing strip manual competitions.... imagine 3 sweaty guys skating under the void deck in their socks and boxers.... with new era caps....

here are the photos to prove it:

skating today reminds me why ive stuck with it for 6 years.... sometimes it doesnt matter if your skating some shitty spot and it just rained, whats important is that your with good friends and this love for skating has brought you guys together.... at times we can have the best spots but the vibe can suck, so its really the people that make the session so amazing.... even if you dont do anything amazing that day, so what?? i didnt do anything memorable today but i played a longest manual competition game with my friends that ended up with us being naked.... for me that is enough for a good day of skate.... i dont regularly post up pictures unless it was a meaningful event, and this day of skate was one of them....

good day, except for the hang over....

and to all my friends who got me gifts for my birthday, thanks loads....

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