Friday, August 22, 2008

looks like my brother took the trouble to upload them on facebook, but ill up my fav ones here.... i realized i uploaded them in the wrong order but im lazy to reorganize them so look at them from the bottom up.....

I doubt a caption does this waterfall any justice....

2 brothers, 1 damn big waterfall

the waterfall, and I say:"praise the lord!"

PS: do not show mom the photos of me on a scooter, as for as she knows, we rode a horse to reach the waterfalls....

observe the yeti in the background....

yet another amazing waterfall, my brother almost got washed away here.....

nature at its finest.....

riding a bike is such a rush, my brother insisted i take this photo.....

everyone sleeping from a night of drinking.... we are on a 4 hour car ride to the ferry to catch the boat to koh chang....

we are terrible at cam-whoring.....

day 1 at the beach and we are already treated with such a view.....

4 guys building a mound of sand, go figure.....

our before dinner scenery treat.....

we are terrible at cam whoring.....

i notice i rarely have nice phots of myself, mostly goofy ones.... but this is us at chinatown having a orgasmic seafood dinner....

who says bangkok city cant be beautiful.....

cant stop thinking or talking about the trip.... there were moments of tension but overall it was a blast.... thanks to all my friends for the memories and especially to my brother who was my wingman on the entire trip....

ill never forget sad soldiers, x-ray yeti's and rockets going ROOOOM......

too bad, there is only so much photos can do in expressing things....


Anonymous said...

looking good there! haha.. the scenary is really beautiful! ;)

Anonymous said...

love the sunsets!!! even if there's a yeti in the background lol
scooters look a blast rawr i wanna go overseas toooooooooo D: