Wednesday, December 23, 2009

leaving for bali in a few hours time... just got done packing...

so much stuff going on... sam will be gone when i come back and i need to look for a job...

take care readers....

and to shalyn: ill miss you!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

shit its been a month since i last blogged... animal comm exam tmr, not looking forward to that, hopefully i can spew out everything ive learned this semester...

i want my breakfast of champions...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

what do you do when your car battery dies outside a shopping mall along a busy road??

wait for the tow truck while sitting on the trunk of the car and play i-spy!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

we lost sp and it sucks donkey balls... we built that fucking amazing box, hauled tired ass and blistered hands.... now its gone...

fuck me...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

fuck this, where is my SP!
2 days of hell in a row, but at least the tips made it worth it...

F1 event later, but i got a whole day of studying to get through first...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

things im pissed about:

sleep deprivation (into day 4 now)

$120 phone bill, following last months $140 phone bill

reservist next feb

fucked up clinical psych exam

essay due next week

not having my bike

losing SP as a place to skate

god please kill me now...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

i like drinking beer in the morning...

Monday, August 24, 2009

song chart memes
see more Funny Graphs

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

looking at my bank acc and singapore bike forums always makes me damn sad... according to my calculations, i could have bought myself my first bike (sp or kr), by this time... maybe wait till the end of the month so i have a little bit more spare cash, but damn... still feeling damn hard up abt the bike...

$$ in bank now: $3000 (i think)

machine price: $1.5-1.8k

Insurance: $700

misc repairs and servicing: $300

petrol standby: $200

Total: $3000

Thursday, August 13, 2009

straight A's this sem
bike license
started by savings account for my bike
money in the bank

my summer has officially rocked...
after 3 months, i have my 2B license! $$ spent reaches around 800 but it was a great experience...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

why am i blogging when i should be sleep??

order of things coming up:

circuit revision
road revision
work at 3 till 11
bike prac test on thur morning, 7am....

another reason im blogging is because im frustrated as hell with my bike situation at home.. currently is 96 weeks to go and thats too long for me.... the waiting period is only making me more excited about my bike, and being a safe rider is abt character.... i dont speed or floor the gas when i drive the car, cant they see that i wont be that way if i had a bike??

Friday, August 07, 2009

im only eating at the meridian shopping center kopi tiam from now on... they are having a lucky draw contest and the first prize is a fucking Aprillia RS 125!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

cognitive psych exam in 13 hours time, psycholinguistics exam in 37 hours time... fuck this sem needs to be over ASAP...

sinking feeling in my stomach, plus the insatiable urge to smoke is creeping up...

oh well time to call the girlfriend shes waiting up for me...

Saturday, August 01, 2009

1) i hate that wedding dancing video.... instead of having my friends dance at my wedding, ide rather them get crunk at the bar and enjoy the wedding smashed.... just dont throw up on my wedding clothes....

2) its 8pm and i just woke up... i was supposed to start studying earlier but im going to grab dinner first with my bro before sending him to work...

3) finals next week, hopefully i ace this sem....

4)i need to set up my savings account for my bike.... should i set aside 250 or 300 a month?? 250 a month equates to 3000 a year and by the 2nd year 6000, provided i hold on to my existing job.... 6000 is plenty for a new 2A bike, maybe a kawasaki ninja, super 4 or maybe a scrambler....

5) my torrents are not moving and im pissed with that

6) i want to skate next week

Thursday, July 30, 2009

gotta do laundry but i make myself a nice breakfast in the meantime... good tips these past few weeks, still dreaming abt my bike which is 99 weeks away....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

fucking stressed, ill know in 4.5 hours... intense craving to smoke....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

i want to swim in a river of hennessy right now... thinking about getting my masters is stressing me out, fucking 30k a year to do it locally....

Saturday, July 11, 2009

awesome day at work today.... the dream team plus sham = lots of good laughs and no-nonsense working....

plus An is pretty much the funniest guy in Living Room....

Friday, July 10, 2009

its 8:30am on a saturday morning, got off work a little while back but somehow im in a good mood... maybe its because i had 2 extremely strong cups of coffee during breakfast, or maybe because the entire Tham household is busy with activity.... my mom and sis are getting ready to head to work and my bro and i are going to drink when they leave.... for some strange reason it feels good to have a lively household....

i havent skated in 7 weeks (i think) and i really miss it... hopefully the weather on sunday is good enough to skate, and the guys are up to skating too...

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

farewell michael jackson.... your music will live on forever...

A personal favorite for many personal reasons.... my friends sings it magically....

for mikey, we sing this song all the time.... (cant find the original video)

sweet a house/electro remix!

Monday, June 29, 2009

alright its been a week so i better get down to typing this....

my 23rd birthday has pretty much been my most awesome birthday every:

2 bottles of macallan 18 whiskey from my girlfriend and best friend
an external hard disk drive from my mom
"new" phone from my uncle
ipod classic from my sis
martell and a shirt from my friends at UB
waterfall, ak-47 and lots of other drinks from the dudes at work(blackout night again)
hotel stay at the conrad thanks to my uncle and Daniel
not having to pay for my booking at Furama hotel though i think i can never book another hotel with them again
drinking with sam, alvin, ali and my bro on sunday

fuck yeah man, my 23rd birthday was the bomb.... 103 more weeks to my honda fireblade!

thanks to everyone who made my birthday amazing:
my family of course
skate friends
friends at school
my bros tris and gwao
mi-sao (our new japanese drinking friend)
my uncle
the ppl at living room and firefly (siti, xiang wei, glen, an, sham, audi, hakim and my bro of course)

too many blackout momements and unforgettable toilet cleanings, falling asleeps and drinking games.....

but unfortunately the 2nd half of my sem has started again....

photos up later...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

go shorty, its my birthday, we're gonna party like it's my birthday....

2 exams this week....

730 days or 104 weeks till my bike! the countdown begins!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

fuck i missed getting a gold for my ippt by 1 sec...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

lets recap my thursday shall we??

up till 5 in the morning finishing up 2 essays
got up at 9
ran at 10 till 11
went to class till 5
blog meeting till8:30
dinner till 9:40
work from 10 till 6
back home (just got home)
leaving for bike class in 15 min, lessons from 8 till 12
drive home
short nap
leave for work at 3 till 11
wake up for ippt and 2.4 run....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

remember the $$ i talked abt yesterday? well i spent it today on dinner and shoes.... now im kinda sad....

oh well, $$ is meant to be spent!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

my wallet is full of cash.... but i need to deposit it to bring my acc total back up to 1.6k...

Friday, June 12, 2009

fuck, i failed my lesson 7 today.... 17 people taking the test today and only 2 ppl passed.... ssdc sure knows how to earn our $$....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

so i talked with my sister about when i can get my bike....

she said 2 year from the day i graduate....

fucking 2 years...


Saturday, May 30, 2009

1st road lesson today was fun but got to repeat it...


and i celebrated by 4th month anniversery on friday.... nice day out with the girlfriend...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

working 15 hr shifts for my SP.... time for dinner, some studying and a run...

oh yeah bike lesson tmr....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

wow, i spent my the last sunday of my holidays sleeping... i went to bed around 10am after work, only to wake up around 7, sleep again till 12 and sleep again till 1... at that time Shalyn gave up trying to wake me up and decided to tell me to sleep in all the way till monday morning which i did....

to recap my holiday:
worked 140 hrs at living room, earning around $1000 before CPF
bike lessons (im at lesson 5 which i have to repeat for the 3rd time on wed, fuck)
skated, but not much

ok school starts in an hours time...

heres a good tiesto mix:

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

vroom vroom!!

lesson 3, trial theory test passed and theory lessons clocked!

Friday, May 01, 2009

every time i have bad day, i just need to think about this baby and my day will brighten up:

the long work hours and fucked up customers will make this bike extra sweet...

2nd hand machine price: 1.5-2k
insurance: 600-900 (fuck)
road tax: 70
COE : 890 (if needed)
misc repairs and stuff: 1k

total: 5k++++

work work work work work work work work work work work work.......

Friday, April 24, 2009

1st bike prac on monday... time to work my fucking ass off so i can afford my bike!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

final exam for this sem coming up in just over 3 hours... heres a list of things i want to do over my break:

work like hell to save money for my bike (vroom vroom!!!)
register and start taking the theory and practical lessons for bike
hang out with shalyn
skate often (2-3 times a week?)
get some filming done for the new slap video

pretty much all i can come up with for now...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

the paradox of love

this evening i watched an old woody allen movie on tv titled "crimes and misdemeanors", and its been a while since i was so amazed by a movie... the moral dilemmas encountered by the characters is placed side by side with a religious argument & pro-life philosopher, neither of which gives answers to what the characters should do, but rather throw us into deep thought....

a couple of lines that really stuck out for me was by the pro-life philospoher, who ironically committed suicide later in the film:

“When we fall in love, we are seeking to re-find all or some of the people to whom you were attached as children. On the other hand, we ask our beloved to correct all the wrongs that these early parents or siblings inflicted on us. So, love contains in it the contradiction, the attempts to return to the past and the attempt to undo the past.”

“We're all faced throughout our lives with agonizing decisions, moral choices. Some are on a grand scale, most of these choices are on lesser points. But we define ourselves by the choices we have made. We are in fact the sum total of our choices.”

he speaks of the paradox of love, of how we want to return to the past, and how we wish to correct the things that have made us who we are today.... he also spoke about how love and human warmth was the only thing that made the world a livable place, because in reality the real world is a very hash and cold place....

final say: watch the movie...
by wed, it will all be over...

meanwhile i need to get me some dinner and some quality TV time in...

shoes, new board, wheels or jeans?? which to buy...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

exams in 2 weeks time, so it time to get on the study program.... drinking and a lot of work during the break to earn me some scrilla....

next sem will be tough, be at least im graduating in a year....

i just realized "love is gone" by david guetta describes my attitude towards bartending these days... its just a job, plain and simple... i used to be really inquisitive, make the effort to learn all the cocktails, come up with original cocktails and try to make the bar run as smoothly as possible... these days, the only thing i care about is when i can collect my pay check or when i the tips are out...

oh well, a job is a job...

Sunday, April 05, 2009

crap my nights of binge drinking are over....

Monday, March 30, 2009

my arms are burning from gym sessions... im having problems typing....

thank you alvin for teaching me valuable workouts like lat pull down, flys and "fuck the woman"....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

listening to coltrane always makes me happy....

really hypnotic voice, i remembered listening to this song on the radio growing up.... the lyrics are sad too..

projects, please end soon.... after thur, ill have 1 more left....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

i love being surprised with guinness stout when im having a shitty day at school....

sunday morning rain is falling.....

Monday, March 09, 2009

Friday, March 06, 2009

the type of customers who really fuck my day up are the thick skinned, shameless mother fuckers, who constantly think im trying to cheat their money:

  1. Chee Bye no 1: He ordered a vodka cranberry and was complaining why his change was taking so long. The cashier was doing something, and when i finally delivered him his change, he said:" I usually leave a $5 tip, but not this time." and "I want my 90 cents". When i pointed out to him the coins were in the flap of the bill folder, he said "you guys are trying to cheat the customer". Fucker; keep your tip and get the fuck out of my face
  2. Chee bye 2: This mofo ordered this drink and used his credit card to pay. Just at that time, the cash register and POS system decided to crash on all of us, so we cant do any transactions. He then went on to complain how he had to wait for 1 and a half hours for his credit card, after i repeatedly told him the system was down. The fucker went to withdraw money, and lo and behold, when he return, his bill was processed. chee bye scolded me, gave me a fucked up stare and acted like I was the cause of his shitty night. go fuck yourself buddy
  3. Chee bye 3: Our POS and cashier are down, and this guy orders a vodka tonic, gin tonic and a coke. the bill adds up to 48, so i took his fifty note and put it in the bill folder. A little while later he complains about his change, and i have to explain simple arimethic to the poor son of a bitch. (18+18+13 for the coke works up to be around 49 after all the GST). Fucker was so pissed a coke was 13 bucks, he was insisting we were ripping him off. After several talks from different managers later, he apologized, but not to me. Seriously, if you come to the bar, be ready to spend money, and for the love of god, be patient about your change. Im a bartender, not a cashier, so if you dont want to wait for your change, fuck off.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

for my 200th post i shall keep it short and sweet:

i hate jason marz

(im not saying this out of spite, i just dont like him)

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Dear Old Dad

a while back i posted a note on facebook, one of those 25 things about me kind of deals... one of the questions was "person you miss", and i put my dad....

well last night my mom was home alone and said she felt his presence... my maid went to pay a visit to his niche at the church and bought a 4D number with his birth year and she won herself $250....

are there accidents in life?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

never cheat, steal, lie or drink....

if you must cheat, cheat death
if you must steal, steal away from bad company
if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love
and if you must drink, drink for the moments that take your breath away

Friday, February 20, 2009

i did my first ever backside lipslide today!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

i really love this song by morrissey... thanks heath kirchart....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

3 fights today at work, so the lights were on really early, meaning we closed early...

2 more days till non-conformist day, really stoked on that...

skating tmr, i think ill work on back tails and back lips....

i need to deposit $$ in my bank...

Sunday, February 08, 2009

mind field is such a good video...

i say "i think too often"....

im looking forward to non-conformity day...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

i know what i want to do for my birthday: i want to go to ice cold beer and do the 45 second beer challenge.... i came in 2nd at the zouk party and i want to be top dog all over again...

also im very happy to be attached....

Monday, February 02, 2009

seriously, fuck......

im hitting the bottle tonight....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

fucked up things in the family remind me why i want to become a family psychologist....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

i am fucking bummed: 4 rolls of film shot in taiwan on my new holga and all came back blank thanks to a camera defect....

good bye pictures of adorable dogs, mountains, cute kid at train station, city lights.....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

thinking is the enemy!

danger is my ally!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

new sem of school starts tmr..... pretty psyced....

Monday, January 05, 2009

its my last morning in taiwan and i thought it fitting to blog bout my trip....

  1. cheap and very tasty food, i think the only thing that wasnt great was the stinky tofu, but even that was a fun experience
  2. drinking ALOT, at all hours of the day... in fact im drinking a beer now and its 1030 in the morning.... 3 bottles of liqour done (1 bourbon, 1 rum and 1 scotch), all drank to keep warm and our sanity in check
  3. some shopping
  4. freezing our asses off at the top of some mountain
  5. lots of train rides and seeing the country side
  6. 4 rolls of film in, and i cant wait to see how they turn out
  7. perfect girl selling wild boar sausage
  8. climbing mountains without a jacket on
  9. going to a dive bar, drinking too much beer and throwing up so much
  10. sleeping in the bath tub because i was dead drunk
  11. my brother having to pee out a window cos i was locked asleep in the bath tub
  12. rock hard beds and wearing too much clothes to move
  13. NUS sucks
  14. performing a 100m sprint to pee and poop
  15. "its beer o'clock!" (which is pretty much all the time)
  16. anthony bourdain quotes for days
  17. the worlds cutest dogs
  18. disgracing singapore with my horrible chinese

photos up soon.....