Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My current favourite song is Black Hole Sun by the now defunct Sound Garden, as they have now become Audioslave.... Well anything the John Molina and Kruger play at Rouge, where i work is good, but this song is tops on my list right now... i would publish the lyrics if only the formatting would come out right but it has not...

Perhaps its the poetry of the words that draws me to the song, or the stonned out voice of chris cornell, or maybe the bleak and dark imagery it paints... whatever it is, it seems to express how i feel about my life right now...

Heres what Grind My Gears:
- People who say that they love the music of (insert pop icon who is overplayed on local radio, like Pussy Cat Dolls or any of that crap)... Whats the big fucking appeal of that kind of music?? The only this the group has going for it is a deep pounding baseline in their songs, plenty of big-shot cameos, sexually suggestive lyrics and videos, and hot girls.... dont get me wrong here, im not gay and i love hot girls, but whats the appeal?? The songs have no meaning, and encourages young girls to be sluts... And for gods sake, there is only 1 singer in the group, the rest are just filler.... What ever happened to meaningful lyrics thatcarried a certain poetry about them?? I though good music was more than having a synthesizer do all the work for you...

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