Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 in retrospect

-went from being employed to unemployed
-worked as a waiter and eventually a bartender
-drank way too much, but on the upside it was good booze
-made too many "mistakes"
-almost fell in love, then realised that it was not going to work out
-went back to school for 2 sems, scored well for both of them
-met some cool and some not-so cool ppl at school, drank with the cool ones, got dissed by the not-so cool ones
-sprained ankle attempting my first handrail, which put me on the injured list for a long time
-my big brothers "incident"
-introduction to guinness draught, macallan whiskey, martell and hennessy cognac, blavdo vodka, tanquery gin and barcardi rum
-back feebles, front blunt fakies, back nosegrinds, back smiths, blunt to fakies on quarter pipes, bs bigspins and of course all my stock tricks
-started listening to pink floyd, alan parsons project, band of horses, wolfmother, stereophonics, sonic youth, soundgarden, the smiths and more beatles
-the year of fully flared!!

and i intend to spend my new years wasted and in bed before midnight, wake up in 2008, assuming the world does not destroy itself...

so here a big fuck you 2007...... and a fuck you to 2008....

heres a great video by depeche mode called enjoy the silence....

Friday, December 21, 2007

bangkok trip was fun, lots of drinking and chilling by the beach was great....

4.0 gpa for 2nd sem, which is sick too, i thought i would get an a- for my SOC....


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

you play basketball, and you play football

but you dont play skateboarding....

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

exams a week away, chilling at home studying....

come on 4.0 GPA!!

cant wait to party when exams are over...

Monday, November 05, 2007

details of skate tour on thursday (8th nov)

11am till late

Skate Spots:
Jerrelds Stage
8 stair handrail at Evergreen
Tampines (ledge to drop, stairs, some rails)

Mode of Transport:
Van, rented

Other events:
-Riding ard Singapore in the back of a van for the first time in your life!!
-Dinner and booze at Sams place (tequila and quasidilas)
-Awesome day of skate with good friends

Things to bring:
your gnar-factor
board (a spare one in case you think you might break 1)
Drinks and candy (we are getting an ice box, so bring a huge bottle of drink so we dont have to keep buying drinks!!!)
your skills to the battle
camera (to capture that priceless switch flip down 10)
$12 (to cover food and tpt costs)
wax (ill bring some but who knows how buttery you want the ledge to be)

Where to meet:
Sams place at 1030 AM, or at Jerrleds place direct if you live near him

so remember to be early, so we can get a good long day of skating (and sex) in and top it off with food and drink!

new shoes once again, the Atlanta shoes got ripped up in 3 days of skating....

koston selects.... sweet....

Sunday, November 04, 2007

i bruised both my knees..... but i got a pop shove it down the YP stage... so its worth it....

the small price for my love of skateboarding....

Friday, November 02, 2007

This is my first header on a blog!!!

I just learnt how to use html in school, so thats kinda tight....

rough day of skating at sp, my body got pretty badly fucked up....

the shoes got ripped up really bad, really fast....

heres a clip to make anybodys day:

Thursday, November 01, 2007

here is something you cant understand, how i can just kill a man

i like this song by Cyrpress Hill.... Nothing more....

Monday, October 29, 2007

the shoes got ripped up pretty fast, after 2 days of skating.... bummer...

just finished the final touches of the comms project.... its been a bitch doing it.... fuck....

the other night i dreamnt of her.... but the memory fade as soon as i woke up....

i need cigarettes and i dont want to smoke my brothers menthols.....

a beer would be great now.....


Monday, October 22, 2007

Old DC Shoes, skated for around 10 months....

Incredible board feel thanks to the thin sole with a hole in it....

New Kicks

Friday, October 19, 2007

the state of skate today was great.... skate the whole evening at SP with the guys and it gets my so psyched to see everyone improving...

jeff is getting more consistent with his ledge tricks, alvins many combinations are off the chain..... sorry sam didnt watch you skate much today....

for myself, i finally landed bs feebles.... for the one i tried styling it out, i couldnt land them, but the loc-cock ones i lock in were successful....

hahaahahaha im such a kook....

Monday, October 15, 2007

skating on sundays with the guys was great.... everyone was dead tired at the end of the day and that is some how an amazing feeling....

seeing that guy in the park tear the tranny up got me so psyched to learn how to skate tranny..... no handed fs and backside airs above the coping, blunt stalls which he popped CLEANLY out of, tweaked out melon to fakie airs and kickflip bs airs.....

and i broke my deck.... landed square in the middle of my deck doing a fs 180 over a rope barrier.... im amazed it lasted as long as it did....

Thursday, October 11, 2007

theres never a right time or right way to break someones heart and give them bad news.... theres never a right time to say good bye....

there were moments when i thought you could be the one but i believe in following my instincts and gut feeling.... the connection just was not there, and at times i felt like i had to force conversation....

somebody kill me now.....

guys are jerks.....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

im a terrible human being..... 2 bottles of hennessy later, i still feel like shit.... i dont even remember what happened last night.....

someone strike me down now....

this is the first time i cried in years.....

"i never wanted to be your weekend lover"

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

fuck im one horrible individual.... i have never felt worse abt myself than i do right now.... i need to say it soon, before its too late....

im going to hell....

Thursday, October 04, 2007

sometimes i wonder if im doing something wrong.... i wonder if things are making progress.....

am i just being petty and oversensitive over a matter like breakfast?

i woder how much you're into me, whether im just wasting my time.... maybe thats what we need, time.... or will it delay the inevitable.....

you make me a happy person and i think your an amazing person with great strength that most can only hope to have... but i wonder if we will be great together....

"cos we're just 2 lost souls swimming in a fish bowl"

Pink Floyd

fuck i need a drink....

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

claris made a dedication for me on local radio..... i didnt hear it but it was sweet of her..... so heres mine to her:

Days Go By
Dirty Vegas

Cool video and the lyrics express how i feel about you.... enjoy...

i wish i could dance like that....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

looks like saturdays plan will need to be cancelled, untill we get a set of lock picks, or enough ppl to tear a door down...

gotta pull something out of my ass asap....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

i dont like ppl behind me reading my blog entries....
sunday was good.... except for having to run from the cops which cut the sesh short...

long cols bus ride and i managed to get home before last bus...

things are going swimingly, but im still looking for the right time...

this week ill implement the plan

Monday, September 10, 2007

saturday/sunday morning was great, best time ive had with someone in a really long time... i hope it leads on to greater things, but like i always say to her, pace is the key... and timing is everything....

rum, stella, MGD and a failed attempt at watching kung pow... good times indeed....
I had to do an english essay on something unique so here it is, let me know what you think:

The crew had finally assembled, despite 1of the members being late, at The Youth Park Stage, which would be the starting point for their day of skateboarding. LTP, as we are known as, is a band of travelling artists, each individual bringing their personal and unique craft, each new skate spot serving as a new canvas onto which a masterpiece would be created, with their inspiration fuelled by the companionship between them.

Ordinary objects to the common man represented a breath of opportunity to the skateboarders. The marble curbs scattered across the Central Business District of Singapore are for more than just sitting down. They provide a platform for skateboarders to perform incredibly complicated tricks upon, a medium for which artistic ideas can be fully expressed and personalised.

While it did resemble a sport in terms of the need for physical exertion, skateboarding lacks the competitive element that is the cornerstone of the fore. Skateboarders are rarely in competition with each other; their only opponent would be themselves. They are merely people who share a passion, and would love to see nothing more than the progression of this way of life.

Our journey begins in downtown Orchard Road at The Youth Park Stage. Nestled in the centre of Singapore’s busiest district, the elevated stage stands roughly 4 steps high, and is seen as the proving grounds for all skaters. As we begin to warm up for the long day of enjoyable physical punishment, a sense of excitement and freedom is felt among all of us, as we know that today will be one of the few occasions we will be able to be fully self expressed. One by one, we start to take our simple flips and spins down The Stage, much like the artist who starts his masterpiece with simple sketches and outlines, eventually building up to his final work of art
Out of the blue, Alvin, a feisty young skater who has little regard for his own safety, decides to attempt a technically demanding trick down The Stage. After a series of failed attempts that land in physical pain, he senses that he is getting close to pulling off something initially inconceivable. He summons one of us to start recording each try on the video camera, and ignoring the bruises and scrapes dealt to his body he soldiers on, giving it go after go.

Disaster nearly strikes when Alvin nearly injures his ankle on the last attempt, but being the committed skateboarder he is, he ignores the nagging fear at the back of his head, as well as the natural human tendency to nurse his injuries and decides to give it another go.

As he rolls towards the edge of The Stage, he mind is completely silent. He taps his skateboard against the tiled floor, launching it into the air. The flick of his toe, combined with the rotation of his shoulders, sends the board spinning horizontally then laterally. The top of the deck slaps the soles of his feet as he complete a 180 degree rotation. He braces himself for the landing as he floats slowly towards the ground, bending his knees to absorb the impact as he rolls away from a Backside Kickflip down The Stage.

In that span of 3 seconds, his mind is a blank slate. Despite the technically demanding nature of the trick, Alvin is not reading an instructional manual while executing the trick. His body is simply responding to the single thought running through his head. The 3 seconds are flickers of pure inner peace, where nothing at all in the world matters and you are completely lost in the moment. Neither the cracks on the floor, the sound of traffic zooming by nor the scorching heat can distract Alvin in his moment of complete clarity. The distractions fade into the background as the trick takes centre stage, and the skate is in complete control, creating something out of nothing, and lost in his world of Zen.

As Alvin rolls away from The Stage, we rush forward to congratulate him. However, he is the last one who is rejoicing, and insists on doing the same trick again after reviewing the last take on the video camera. 5 flawless attempts later, Alvin is finally satisfied with himself, sitting down, lighting a cigarette up and letting the world, as well as the joy catch up with him.

5 hours after leaving The Stage and the bustle of Orchard Road, we find ourselves at the West end of Singapore in the most obscure of locations. We are underneath the train tracks and it is a concrete wasteland. Indeed this would be a plot of wasted space had a few die-hard skateboarders not decided to create a makeshift skate park out the land, metal drain covers and plenty of concrete. News of The Banks, as the spot was known as was spread through word of mouth and while to some the obstacles looked like a heap of wasted effort, to my crew, we were in paradise.

Despite having tortured our bodies during the entire afternoon of skating, we are still energized and hungry to take our skills to battle. Like a pack of wolves going after herd of sheep, we being to dissect the concrete behemoth, attacking the parts that best suit our abilities, each of us hungry to leave our mark on the skate spot. As this goes on, we feed off each other’s creativity, and one person landing a trick becomes a group accomplishment.

As the evening sun beings to sit, it comes down to me and a makeshift ledge that slopes downwards across steep embankment. I’ve been toying with the idea go getting a trick across the ledge for the past 5 minutes. My friends remind me that it has actually been 30 minutes since I started riding up to the ledge, stopping before it, testing the surface to grind up and adjusted my shoes. Heart has been racing since I first even considered trying the trick, and he stress I was experiencing made me wonder why I have would want to do something so potentially hazardous.

I finally decide to go for it and on my first attempt I am sent hurtling towards the harsh and unforgiving concrete, landing with a loud thud that resembles a bowling dropping to the floor. As lie motionless, my friends rush to my side to check my conditions, it almost feels like the aching pain felt in my left arm is felt by the people who help me to my feet. Now the “first-try-gitters” out of the way, I rush to give the trick another whirl, and my crew look on with a combination of fear for my safety encouragement.

Another painful slam later, I decide to give the trick another go. This time all is right, the stars are aligned and the Gods look down upon me with favour. Battered and bruised my friends rush to join in my celebration and I am left wondering how they can be so happy for something that they are not even a part of. In fact they seem even happier than I am to have landed the trick.

Perhaps it is not about who has done what trick where, but rather skateboarders are happy when one of their own pushes their own limits, overcomes adversity and becomes someone greater than themselves. Indeed, no one felt upstage, inferior nor diminished as a skateboarder. Maybe it was because we all had a burning passion for our art skateboarding, and that they were content in people doing their very best in it and having a good time. There is no striving to be the best among us, as the best does not exist. Each of us is a unique individual who contributes in whatever way we can to bring progress to this way of life.

As the sun slowly behind the rows of high rise public apartments, the LTP crew sit outside a convenience store sharing cheaply made carbonated drinks, musing about the amazing day that had transpired. The aches and pain experience in our bodies were a small price to pay for the sheer enjoyment we experience today. Huddling around the tiny screen of the video camera, we reviewed the snippets of the day gone by, each of us wondering at the back of our heads who we keep skateboarding. In the span of a day, we had experience an entire spectrum of emotions, ranging from the elation when a friend breaks his physical limits, to the pain felt when one of our own is injured, to the oneness of mind and body.

As we step on our skateboards and push off into our separate ways home, we are reminded of what makes skateboarding so special to each of us. . Perhaps what keeps us going is the sense of brotherhood we have, coupled with a passion for skateboarding, topped off with our pursuit of artistic excellence that reminds us why we are LTP, but more importantly, skateboarders, people who keep on pushing.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

looking at my life these days, the fuck care attitude seems to be my mantra.... when you stop giving a fuck abt the little things, you become disconnected with the world that is so full of bullshit...

im really beginning to not give a fuck abt what ppl think....


Monday, September 03, 2007

i went for my first date with claris to the zoo last sunday, the 2nd of aug and it was really fun.... good times with a great girl.... i rarely go on dates so this was great...

being with her rekindles a feelign ive not felt in a while... even sam says i sound different now, which is a good thing...

i once posted abt a bob marley song, is this love, when i just broke up with janice, my ex... i posted that in hopes of trying to get her back... i listened to the song today and i felt like posting abt it again because it expresses how im feeling right now abt claris....

I want to love you
I want to love and treat you right
I want to love you, everyday and every night

i want things to work out.... i guess ill have to take things slow, just like at kokomo..... another song by the beach boys....

Saturday, August 11, 2007

what to do.... fuck, why do i have to be so akaward around them...

drinking is my only solace to a night i made an idiot of myself....

fuck this shit....
the skate tour with the boys was great.... 6 guys in a car, going from spot to spot and just having fun, filiming and getting photos... really good times with good friends, going to bukit batok, lakeside, kovan and amk....

but ssing my friends skate has made me realise how much they have progressed over time....

sam: LTPs resident switch master, from fucking up left ankle to a guy who cant skate anything not switch...

alvin: ATV, skating anything and everything.... when i first knew him he could only do boardslides and noselsides on curbs, now the fucker can match me trick for trick on a mini ramp... good diversity and skates anything in front of him....

jerreld: still has one of the cleanest and most consistent flips among any of us... hes mellowed out a lot, but still a great guy to qoute borat lines with....

jeff: fearless as fuck... hes got his ollies and pop shove its on lock...

sam (bb): always a joy to hang with with his random one-liners and strange sense of humour.... he mellowed out alot too but but his half cab heels are still popped and proper...

me: im just happy to skate with good friends who are willing to put up with my last trick requests, even if i do take one too many tries at stuff...

skate tours like these really revive my hinger for skating, and makes me feel yound again... it reminds me of a simpler time when i didnt work, and skating was my only concern.... being able to get something filmed or photograpped is a great accomplishment for me because these days i hardly get anything done... bringing old tricks to new spots or new trick to old spots, the situation is never the same and it reminds me how fun skating should be...

great fun lets do this again soon guys....

Sunday, August 05, 2007

schools lame... when i came to uni i expected it to be full of mature thinking young adults... instead all i see is a bunch of immature fucks who cant tell the difference between a joke and seriousness.... jesus fucking christ its shit like this that really grinds my fucking gears...

nobody needs this bullshit in their life, and i got better things to do with my life than take this from a bunch of cry baby bitches... if you got a fucking problem with me, say it to my fucking face rather than hide behind a girl whose nice and sweet to talk trash about me.... if you look up the word pathetic in the dictionary, you would see the faces of these ppl....

fuck this pretentious bull shit....

Friday, July 06, 2007

i talked to sam today and he told me that alvin felt like skating... ive felt the same way especially recently when work is beging to take over skateboarding...

thinking about it, i find it impossible to quit skating forever... all over my home im surrounded with all things skateboarding, like its music, magazines, decks, videos and clothing... i could never quit skating, the love for it is just too great....

besides what else could i do if i quit....

Sunday, June 24, 2007

yeah im finally 21... i worked on my birthday but i got to party with the boys (tris, gwao and my bro) on sunday so that was tight as hell... beers, waterfall, more beer, champagne, plus i got to sing at acid with my brother.... that was fucking cool....

overall a great birthday week...

monday: new deck, trucks and wheels

wednesday: steak dinner and brownies with my family

thursday: work i guess

friday: 96% for my english mid term, and did the photoshoot for mondays straits times (250607)

saturday: met some great customers, and 1 even bought me a guinness draught... life is sweet....

sunday: carls jr dinner, beers at alley bar, champagne and more beer with the guys... great wallet from gwao for my birthday....

its been a great 21st birthday and all i have to say is YING BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!

but on the flip side im working at acid bar way too hard for my own good... my back is killing me and i get too tired to skate, which is wack... goddamn we need a full timer....

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

when i first started skating around 5 years back, i didnt really have a care... i could skate everyday and the only thing that could stop me was injuries or rain, and even when it rained we found some spot to skate...

looking back now it makes me realise how much i took skateboarding for granted... nowadays i cant go out and skate even if i wanted to, because of school and work... i cant just ditch my job and come up with an excuse just to go skate...

the clip below is about andrew reynolds bs flipping wallenberg, and its sick as hell...

skate while you can

Monday, June 11, 2007

The guys (Alvin and Sam) and I got the boxes done at SP for the Skate Club... it was cool doing it with them, since we rarely hang out these days....

Mid terms this week, studying hard, and hardly studying...

And i dont know what I did to mislead you, and it was never intentional....

Monday, June 04, 2007

Good ideas:
Working and studying

Bad Ideas:
Finishing a bottle of vodka between 2 ppl in 30 min or less....

Sunday, May 20, 2007

After 1 month of consideration, I moved down to work at Acid Bar... Same company as Rouge just different outlet... Its good because I get to pursue my passion, bartending there... I now work 4 days a week, from wed till saturday...

working and schooling takes a lot of out me, so much that I can barely spend times with my friends... Its not that I dont want to spend time with them and skate, but the truth is that bills need to be paid, and work is the source of money...

Monday, May 14, 2007

wow apparently people read this page of crap...

well, i cut my left index finger really badly at work last friday... basically the glass was cracked already, then when i was cleaning the rim, the glass shattered and glass went right in... i couldnt work the following day thanks to needing to get 5 stiches from the doctor...

as it turns out ppl can be concerned about my life, i should probably do something, but im already in my payjamas...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

My life as a uni undergrad starts tmr, and Im psyched... work is no longer my life...

Saturday, April 28, 2007

skating has beaten the crap out of my body.... my back is wack, palms scraped up bad, feet are sore and i got a huge bump on my elbow....

this is skateboarding....

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Once again, life has screwed me over... I finally get to work in the bar, but because I start school in early May, some guy who has been at Rouge 2 days as a floor staff gets to work in the bar... I cant fucking believe it, I mean whatever happened to paying your dues and waiting your turn in line.... Fuck man, Rouge has screwed me over twice already, first with them hiring an incompetent bartender who i could easily outdo, and next they put the new guy in the bar after 2 fucking days.... time is really not on my side, and luck isant as well...

At least my brother and I are starting up a business, and i wont have to deal with a company continually screwing me over forever....

Nice guys finish last, and the world never recognises the hard working SOB....

Sunday, April 08, 2007

My kickflip is lost, I am working in a dead end job, where some incompetent fool is working at the position I have patiently waited in line for... My life is in the shitter right now, and the only thing I look forward to is starting my uni life at SIM...
My drinking is way up, my skating sucks, no love in my life...

There you have it, my life...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Heres whats good with my life:

-Tips in hand
-Drinks from customers
-Getting a free pack of smokes

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

So heres to you, a poem:

I Hope

I hope he bring you lots of misery
Boatloads of sleepless nights
A unfufilling relationship
Plenty of crap

I deserve better
Your damn loss
Sooner or later
Your going to be the last thing on my mind

I found out some really cool stuff today... Lifes cool, in that you will meet the right people at the right time, to tell you the things that you need to hear.... Stuff that will make sense to you and get you out of the hole that you are in...
Also, the stuff that you once thought were important, turn out to be completely unimportant at the end of the day... Wise words from a good friend, John Molina...

Heres what didnt work today:
- Triple shot of scotch whiskey
- The New Singapore Sling (Gin, Apple flavoured Vodka, Absinthe, Orange Juice laced with Chivas Whiskey)
- A really strong Screwdriver (Made with cheap Russian Vodka)
- A can of Guiness Draught

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Heres the Sound Garden Black Hole Sun video... This is what modern music videos lack, an edge, creepiness, acid-trip like visuals and haunting lyrics....

Heres what grinds my gears:
- Hinder and that damn Lips of an Angel Song (where I work, the band is forced to play it on a daily basis.... Listen to the lyrics, they suck like hell...)
- People who dont seed in Bit Torrent (for Gods Sake let me have my porn!!)
- Teenage Dramas and reality shows (Falcon Beach, One tree hill, Laguna beach, you know the crap)

Heres what gets me psyched:
- Pink Floyd (so influential, a piece of musical art, you have to hear each album as a whole to experience its genius)
- Edinger Beer (light, smooth, with plenty of character, lots to love)
- My little sister at Rouge Outdoors, Majella (she is so fun to bully and shes the little sister my brother and i wish we had...)
- Clerks (Kevin Smith is a genius, speaking of all the shit that people in the service industry put up with on a daily basis)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My current favourite song is Black Hole Sun by the now defunct Sound Garden, as they have now become Audioslave.... Well anything the John Molina and Kruger play at Rouge, where i work is good, but this song is tops on my list right now... i would publish the lyrics if only the formatting would come out right but it has not...

Perhaps its the poetry of the words that draws me to the song, or the stonned out voice of chris cornell, or maybe the bleak and dark imagery it paints... whatever it is, it seems to express how i feel about my life right now...

Heres what Grind My Gears:
- People who say that they love the music of (insert pop icon who is overplayed on local radio, like Pussy Cat Dolls or any of that crap)... Whats the big fucking appeal of that kind of music?? The only this the group has going for it is a deep pounding baseline in their songs, plenty of big-shot cameos, sexually suggestive lyrics and videos, and hot girls.... dont get me wrong here, im not gay and i love hot girls, but whats the appeal?? The songs have no meaning, and encourages young girls to be sluts... And for gods sake, there is only 1 singer in the group, the rest are just filler.... What ever happened to meaningful lyrics thatcarried a certain poetry about them?? I though good music was more than having a synthesizer do all the work for you...

Monday, March 12, 2007

You know what really grinds my gears??

-Sarong Party Girls (SPGs)
-Local Radio
-Westerners who come to Singapore thinking they are the shit
-People who dont tip
-Absolut Vodka
-People not being straight forward

But heres the stuff that doesnt grind my gears:

-Good times with good friends (Booze included)
-Giving Up Smoking (6 days and counting)
-A good book

I noticed that whenever we look at our lives, we always seem to focus on the "bad" stuff... Like how much we hate our jobs, how life cheats you time and time again, how you are being ripped off everytime you drink at a club, or how you feel like nobody notices you... But then again, theres plenty in life to be thankful for... Im not suggesting the "look on the bright side" crap, but rather noticing that there are many things going your way in life... Not like ignore the bad stuff, but simply noticing the stuff that you didnt know was good...

"You know what? I may have a (insert bad thing in life), but then again, I have a (insert good thing) going on for me..."

Something to that effect... Fuck postiive thinking, this is realising whats so in your life...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

It appears that every 4 months, i feel the need to blog, which i find very peculiar... right now my eyes are too tired to type for long, so ill keep it short....

looking through the box of memories, it makes me wonder what might have been.... perhaps im getting this feeling from watching the movie clerks, where the main character cannot seem to give up on his ex-girlfriend for 5 years, though he is in a relationship with a girl whose crazy about him... to add insult to injury, he finds out that shes getting married, and when they finally get back together, she accidently has sex with a dead old man with a boner who has died in the convenience store bath room.... ok, maybe only the first part applies to me...

i guess thats whats been bugging me all of today, my off day.... i cant help but feel like the best thing in my life has slipped away, and i am doomed to spend the rest of my life living unfufilling relationships, constantly remininising about what could have been with "the girl of my dreams".... i heard that girls never forget their first love, and i feel the same way... like how you will never ever forget the experience of love you had with that person, the sacrifices you made, the shit you put up with (though it didnt seem like shit at the time), the stupid mistakes you made, and how you made each other's life complete....

or perhaps is because ive not met everybody there is to meet out there... what i do hope is that i meet someone who inspired the same experiences and feelings that the first love did... but then again, it wouldnt be about old feelings or experiences, but completely new ones, because nobody is like anyone else, and no relationship is like any other....

heres a qoute from the book tuesdays with morrie:

"death removes a person, but not the relationship"